B3nnyQ InfoSec
CTF — Down The Rabbit Hole image

CTF Guide on how to find the flag for Down The Rabbit Hole 2. Hole 1 Opening up the provided image doesn’t provide anything usefull. Other than the fact from the challenge description that the...

HackTheBox — Optimum Writeup image

Optimum windows machine by Enumeration Find open ports $ sudo masscan -e tun0 -p0-65535 --max-rate 500 Starting masscan 1.0.5 ( at 2020-10-28...

HackTheBox — Netmon image

Netmon windows machine by partial guide for root. Priv Esc For my own notes I have recorded steps for root only. We find an RCE exploit ready to go on ./p...

HackTheBox — Shocker Writeup image

Shocker executive summary goes here … to-do Task Overview Task in progress Reconnaissance Starting with an masscan and nmap to find the open ports and services on # sudo m...

HackTheBox — MarketDump Writeup image

We have got informed that a hacker managed to get into our internal network after pivoting through the web platform that runs in public internet. He managed to bypass our small product stocks lo...

HackTheBox — FriendZone Writeup image

FriendZone executive summary goes here … to-do Task Overview Recon To-do To-do Reconnaissance Starting with an masscan and nmap to find the open ports and services on ...

Cheatsheet — Password Cracking image

Cheatsheet for cracking password hashes utilising john and hashcat. Test. Generate MD5 Hash First we generate an md5 hash in the file hashes to be passed: # echo -n "Password1" | md5sum | t...